Home >> Events >> Algiers Stock Exchange receives Mrs. Alderman Fiona Woolf, Lord Mayor of the City of London

Algiers Stock Exchange receives Mrs. Alderman Fiona Woolf, Lord Mayor of the City of London:

Le 15 June,2014

M.Benmouhoub Yazid, Chief executive officer of Algiers Stock Exchange received on June 15th, 2014, Mrs. Alderman Fiona Woolf, Lord Maire ofthe City of London, accompanied by Lord Richard Risby, Staff representative of the Prime MinisterBritannique for the promotion of the economicpartnership with Algeria, the British Ambassadorin Algiers, as well as a British important delegationbusinessmen.
 The visit of Mrs Alderman Fiona Woolf at AlgiersStock Exchange lies within the scope of itsdisplacement in Algeria, having for goal to reinforce the agreement between the Britishcommunity of business and its counterpart inAlgeria.