You have chosen to come to stock exchange market with an eye to diversify your assets and acquiring shares or bonds. You will definitely want the opportunity to purchase or sell securities that are traded in exchange floor.
Several questions you have already in mind and you want to get specific answers.
The first steps in stock exchange are often the most difficult, as everywhere else!
For many investors, it is entering a new and sometimes unknown world.
Your fears are not justified, however: the stock market is much easier than you might think. To reassure you, you have just to pay attention to some points that will guide you in the case.
To submit a market order, it is imperative to contact an authorized broker in stock exchange transactions by the Securities and investments organization and monitoring Commission (COSOB) .
Orders of purchase or sale of a listed security are collected by broker in stock exchange transactions (IOB ).
These are required to transmit the orders to the trading floor and ensure their proper execution.
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