Accueil >> SME Market >> Listing sponsor >> Tasks


The promoter is a supporting counselor. He must be an broker in transactions approved, a bank, a financial institution or a consultancy in finance, law and business strategy , with sufficient experience in capital structure, merger and company buyouts. He must also be acknowledged and enrolled in the COSOB.

All companies wishing to be listed on the SME market must have an stock exchange promoter, both for their introduction and throughout their market life. Indeed, this plays an essential role in the control of compliance to transparency requirements to which the listed SME is subject.

Pr- listing :

SMEs must appoint a stock exchange promoter to assist them, when issuing their securities and in the preparation of the operation of admission. By its signature on the notice subject to approval by the COSOB, the promoter certifies that it made use of the procedures and the information contained in the record which is , to its knowledge , in accordance with reality and that the record does not contain any omission likely to affect its scope.

Listing :

The company should have concluded with the stock exchange promoter, an agreement established following the model set by the COSOB for a minimum period of two ( 2) years agreed between the two parties.
COSOB must be notified by the termination of the agreement and the SME shall forthwith appoint a new stock exchange promoter .

Post- Listing :

The stock exchange promoter is responsible for monitoring the SME and constantly ensure that it meets its obligations in providing legal and regulatory information.

In case of default by the issuer, he should be reminded of his obligations and provided with the necessary advice to address the issue.